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Summer's Day

This release of piano music by Welsh composer Mervyn Roberts (1906-90) reveals previously unrecorded work, by an immensely private but equally brilliant composer, whose music is today seldom performed (and remained out-of-print until this release, which also heralds publications by Tŷ Cerdd).


Pianist Christopher Williams reveals the astonishing beauty, and often complexity, of Roberts’s music in a recording which must surely help bring the works a future place on the concert platform.

Mae'r datganiad yma o gerddoriaeth piano gan y cyfansoddwr Cymreig, Mervyn Roberts (1906-90) yn datgelu gwaith heb ei recordio o'r blaen, gan gyfansoddwr hynod breifat ond yr un mor wych. Y mae ei gerddoriaeth heddiw yn cael ei pherfformio'n anaml, ac wedi aros allan o brint tan y datganiad hwn, sy’n mynd llaw yn llaw gyda chyhoeddiadau cerddoriaeth ddalen gan Tŷ Cerdd.

Mae'r pianydd Christopher Williams yn datgelu harddwch rhyfeddol, a chymhlethdod, cerddoriaeth Roberts mewn recordiad fydd yn sicr o helpu i ddod â'r gweithiau at lwyfan y cyngerdd yn y dyfodol.

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"This disc deserves to be a must-buy for enthusiasts of piano music in the Bax/Ireland tradition."

Michael Jones, British Music Society 

▶ read review / darllenwch adolygiad

Track list

1. Summer's Day

2. Wind of Autumn

3. Winter


4. I. Allegro vivace
5. II. Andante sostenuto
6. III. Allegretto tranquillo



7. I. Moderato

8. II. Lento ma non troppo

9. III. Allegro commodo - alla marcia - presto


Four Preludes

10. I. Andante con moto

11. II. Allegretto piacevole

12. III. Lento espressivo

13. IV. Allegro


Four Folksong Arrangements

14. Si Hei Lwli Mabi

15. Tra bo dwr y mor yn hallt

16. Hiraeth am Feirion

17. Bu Farw y Cathod

18. Slow Air

19. Ballad

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Mervyn Roberts

Read more about / darllenwch fwy am 

Mervyn Roberts HERE/YMA

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Christopher Williams

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