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Grantiau Loteri
TÅ· Cerdd
Lottery Grants

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Ymgysylltu Engage

£250 to £2,000


This strand is all about supporting your organisation to engage with audiences and participants. You may be planning a concert, or perhaps you want to engage with your community through a digital project; a series of workshops may boost your recruitment drive, or you might want to partner up with a venue to reach new audiences.


An Engage grant can support your project with funds of between £250 and £2,000 towards activity that reaches out to audiences and communities.


Things to consider:


  • While Engage can provide funding of up to £2,000, we expect most applications to be for between £250 and £500.


  • You can apply to this strand in addition to the Create strand (simultaneously or at a later date) to support your new work to reach an audience. Please be mindful that the panel will have a keen eye on reaching as many communities as possible through these funds.


  • You should ensure that your application meets the criteria laid out in the guidelines.



Deadline(s) for future rounds:

17 July
16 October
22 January (2025)


â–¶ How to apply


â–¶ Guidelines


â–¶ Lottery Funding




â–¶ Inspire


£250 at £2,000


Mae’r elfen hon yn ymwneud â chefnogi’ch sefydliad i ymgysylltu â chynulleidfaoedd a chyfranogwyr. Efallai’ch bod yn cynllunio cyngerdd, neu efallai’ch bod am ymgysylltu â’ch cymuned drwy brosiect digidol; gall cyfres o weithdai roi hwb i’ch ymgyrch recriwtio neu efallai’ch bod chi eisiau cydweithio â chanolfan i gyrraedd cynulleidfaoedd newydd.


Gall grant Ymgysylltu gefnogi’ch prosiect gyda chyllid rhwng £250 a £2,000  tuag at weithgarwch sy’n ymestyn allan i gynulleidfaoedd a chymunedau.


Pethau i’w hystyried:


  • Er y gall Ymgysylltu ddarparu cyllid o hyd at £2,000, y disgwyl yw y bydd y rhan fwyaf o geisiadau am symiau rhwng £250 a £500.


  • Gallwch wneud cais i’r elfen hon yn ogystal â’r elfen Creu (ar yr un pryd neu’n ddiweddarach) i gefnogi’ch gwaith newydd i gyrraedd cynulleidfa. Cofiwch y bydd y panel yn awyddus i gyrraedd cymaint o gymunedau ag y bo modd drwy’r cronfeydd hyn.


  • Dylech sicrhau bod eich cais yn ateb gofynion y meini prawf a nodir yn y canllawiau.


Dyddiad(au) cau ar gyfer rowndiau nesaf: 

17 Gorffennaf
16 Hydref
22 Ionawr (2025)


â–¶ Sut i wneud cais


â–¶ Canllawiau


â–¶ Cyllid Loteri


â–¶ Creu


â–¶ Ysbrydoli



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