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CoDI Off-Grid Open Meeting

Help us steer the course of our future activity


Since its inception in 2020 CoDI Off-Grid has firmly established itself as a meeting place for Wales's experimental sound-artists. It curates a series of podcasts and webinars featuring some of the UK's most interesting and inspiring artists and has developed an online network of Welsh and Wales-based performers and creators.


Now in its third year, Off-Grid is exploring additional ways to engage with the scene and invites you to share your ideas for future activity in a Zoom meeting at 7.30-8.30pm on Thursday 10 November. REGISTER HERE


Our discussion will include the following questions:

  • What can we do to support our members and widen the reach of experimental music in Wales?

  • How can we raise the profile of the Off-Grid network ?

  • How do we improve connectivity inside and outside the network?

  • How do we make the activities of Off-Grid members more visible?


We look forward to hearing your ideas!



Cyfarfod Agored CoDI Dan-Ddaear

Helpwch ni i gynllunio cwrs ein gweithgaredd dyfodol

Ers 2020 mae CoDI Dan-Ddaear wedi sefydlu ei hun fel man cyfarfod ar gyfer artistiaid sain arbrofol Cymru. Mae’n rhedeg cyfres podlediad a sesiynau ar-lein sy’n cynnwys rhai o artistiaid mwyaf diddorol ac ysbrydoledig y DU ac mae wedi datblygu rhwydwaith perfformwyr a chrewyr Cymreig.


Bellach yn ei drydedd flwyddyn, mae Dan-Ddaear yn archwilio ffyrdd ychwanegol o ymgysylltu â’r sîn ac yn eich gwahodd i rannu eich syniadau ar gyfer gweithgaredd dyfodol mewn cyfarfod Zoom am 7.30-8.30yh nos Iau 10 Tachwedd. COFRESTRWCH YMA

CoDI 2020-21 logos.png

Tŷ Cerdd is a PRS Foundation Talent Development Partner in association with Youth Music

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