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Matthew Thistlewood

Pennaeth Cynnwys Digidol /

Head of Digital Content



Mae Matthew yn gweithio'n rhan-amser i DÅ· Cerdd lle mae'n gyfrifol am greu hunaniaeth weledol a strategaeth ar gyfer cyfathrebu allanol. Ymunodd Matthew â ThÅ· Cerdd yn 2005 fel Rheolwr Cerddoriaeth Ieuenctid, gan redeg gweithgareddau chwech o saith ensemble cenedlaethol ieuenctid Cymru. 


Mae Matthew yn dilyn gyrfa gerddorol bortffolio fel chwaraewr tiwba, athro ac arweinydd a hefyd yn gweithio fel ffotograffydd a dylunydd graffig. Astudiodd gerddoriaeth yng Ngholeg Goldsmiths, Prifysgol Llundain a’r Academi Gerdd Frenhinol. Mae wedi gweithio’n llawrydd gyda cherddorfeydd ac ensembles ledled de Cymru a gorllewin Lloegr ac ar hyn o bryd ef yw prif chwaraewr tiwba Thames Fanfare Brass ac y Bristol Ensemble.





Matthew works part-time for TÅ· Cerdd where he is responsible for the creation of visual identity and strategy for external comms. He was previously engaged as Youth Music Manager and from 2005-17 ran the activities of six of Wales’s seven national youth ensembles. 


Matthew pursues a portfolio musical career as a tuba player, teacher and conductor and also works as a photographer and designer.  He studied music at Goldsmiths' College, University of London and the Royal Academy of Music and was taught the tuba by James Gourlay and Patrick Harrild. He freelances with orchestras and ensembles throughout South Wales and the west of England and is currently the tuba player of Thames Fanfare Brass and the Bristol Ensemble.


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