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Tayla-Leigh Payne


Gwaith hybrid-aleatorig yw The Colouring Palette sydd wedi’i ysbrydoli gan bobl fel Duke Ellington a Glen Miller i greu seinlun hynod egnïol a llonyddol. Fodd bynnag, mae’r darn hwn hefyd yn cael ei arwain gan symudiadau’r actor; gan ddibynnu ar ba liwiau sy’n dod i’r golwg o flaen y camera, mae sain yn cael ei ysgogi (yr holl yn cael ei raglennu drwy’r patshyn MAX). Yn y bôn, y perfformwyr sy’n cyfansoddi eu gwaith eu hunain drwy eu symudiadau gan greu teimlad o egni a’r annisgwyl o ran yr hyn sydd i ddod.

The Colouring Palette is a hybrid-aleatoric work which takes inspiration from the likes of Duke Ellington and Glen Miller to create a highly energetic and calming soundscape. However, this piece is also dictated by the actor’s movement, depending on which colours appear in view of the camera, sound is triggered (all of which is programmed through a MAX patch). The performers are essentially composing their own work through their movements, giving this sense of energy and unpredictability for what’s to come.


Cyfweliad Tayla-Leigh Payne Interview

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