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Angharad  Jenkins 1986

Delyth Jenkins Catalogue
Gwefan Delyth Jenkins
St Davids Day Concert 2020 BBC NOW jakeb

Mae Angharad Jenkins yn gerddor, cyfansoddwr ac ymarferydd creadigol o Abertawe. Wedi’i disgrifio yn ddiweddar fel ‘un o dynamos y sîn werin yng Nghymru,’ mae hi’n rhan o don newydd o gerddorion ifanc sy’n gwthio’r traddodiad i’r unfed ganrif ar hugain. Mae hi’n aelod o’r grwp gwerin Calan, sydd wedi teithio led-led y DU, Ewrop a Gogledd America. Mae hi hefyd yn perfformio gyda’i mham, y delynores Delyth Jenkins, a’r supergroup Cymraeg Pendevig. 

Yn gydweithiwr amryddawn, mae Angharad wedi perfformio a chyfansoddi gydag ystod eang o gerddorion mewn gwahanol arddulliau a genres, o gerddoiaeth werin, i hip-hop a gwaith byrfyfyr. Mae hi wedi gweithio gyda beirdd (Dave Hughes a Nigel Jenkins), artistiaid (Iwan Bala) a gwneuthurwyr theatr (Leeway Productions, Avant Cymru a Chwmni Pendraw). Mae hi'n mwynhau arbrofi a gwthio ffiniau ei phrif offeryn - y ffidil - trwy archwilio timbre naturiol yr offeryn.

Mae hi’n angerddol dros effeithiau cerddoriaeth ar iechyd a lles bobl, ac yn gweithio’n rheolaidd gyda Live Music Now a Music in Hospitals. Newidiodd ei byd yn ddiweddar yn dilyn genedigaeth ei babi cyntaf, ond mae’n benderfynol o ddilyn gyrfa mewn cerddoriaeth. Sefydlodd ei blog ‘Mumsician’ i dynnu sylw at fywydau a gyrfaoedd cerddor-famau eraill yn y diwydiant.

Angharad Jenkins is a musician, composer and creative practitioner from Swansea. Recently described as ‘one of the dynamos of the Welsh folk scene’, she’s part of a new wave of musicians pushing the tradition into the twenty-first century. She’s a founding member of the celebrated Welsh folk group Calan, who have toured extensively around the UK, Europe and North America, and also plays with her mother, harpist Delyth Jenkins and the Welsh supergroup Pendevig. 


She’s a versatile collaborator, and has performed and co-written with a range of musicians in different styles and genres, from folk, through to hip-hop and free improvisation, and has worked with poets (Dave Hughes and Nigel Jenkins), artists (Iwan Bala) and theatre makers (Leeway Productions, Avant Cymru and Cwmni Pendraw). She enjoys experimenting and pushing the boundaries of her main instrument – the violin – simply by exploring natural timbre of the instrument.


She’s a passionate advocate of the effects of music on health and wellbeing, and works regularly with Live Music Now and Music in Hospitals. Her world changed recently following the arrival of her first baby, but is adamant to pursue a career in music, and has set up her ‘Mumsician’ blog to highlight the lives and careers of other mother-musicians.

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