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Delyth Jenkins 1955

Gwefan Delyth Jenkins
Delyth Jenkins Catalogue

Mae Delyth Jenkins yn berfformiwr ac yn gyfansoddwr. Mae hi'n canu'r delyn Geltaidd a dechreuodd ei gyrfa gyda'r grŵp gwerin Cromlech cyn mynd ymlaen i  sefydlu'r triawd offerynnol arloesol Aberjaber, grŵp a oedd yn parchu traddodiadau Cymru ac ar yr un pryd yn symud y traddodiad hwnnw. ymlaen mewn ffyrdd newydd a chyffrous. Yn ogystal â pherfformio ar ei phen ei hun, mae hi bellach yn chwarae gyda'i merch yn y ddeuawd Delyth & Angharad Jenkins.


Fel cyfansoddwr, mae llawer o'i gweithiau wedi'u hysbrydoli gan y traddodiad Cymreig. Gellir clywed y rhain ar y CDs niferus y mae hi wedi'u recordio gydag amrywiol grwpiau. Mae hi hefyd wedi cyfansoddi gwaith ar gyfer cynyrchiadau theatr, gan gynnwys Mother Courage, Cymbeline ac Under Milk Wood.

Delyth Jenkins is a performer and a composer. She plays the Celtic harp and  started her career with the Swansea based folk group Cromlech, before going on to be one of the founding members of the pioneering instrumental trio Aberjaber, a group that cherished the traditions of Wales whilst at the same time moving that tradition forward in new and exciting ways. As well as performing solo, she now plays with her daughter in the duo Delyth & Angharad Jenkins.

As a composer, many of her works are inspired by the Welsh tradition. These can be heard on the many CDs that she has recorded with various groups. She has also composed work for theatre productions, including Mother Courage, Cymbeline and Under Milk Wood.

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