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Leona Jones  

Wedi ei sylfeini yn sain, mae gwaith arbrofiadol Leona Jones yn defnyddio recordiadau ei hun i greu seinluniau haniaethol fel digwyddiadau / perfformiadau / gosodiadau sy'n ymateb i’r safle, ac amlygu'r gorfforol a’r cyd-destun. Ei ddiffiniad eangaf (i gynnwys iaith lafar ac ysgrifenedig) yw ei ystyriaeth, a'i berthynas symbiotig a lle, symudiad ac amser - AMtaw{sain}elwchllon{symud}yddwchSER.

Gweithiodd a cherddorion, ddawnswyr, ac artistiaid gweledol felli mae cydweithio traws-disgyblaeth yn hanfodol am ei waith. Mae hi’n bwriadu ymestyn i mewn i ddychymig y gynulleidfa, ac annog eu gallu i wrando.

Er bod ei waith wedi cael eu harddangos/berfformio yn orielau, mae ymroddiad Leona at gynwysoldeb yn meddwl fod ei waith un mor debygol i ymateb i lefydd sydd ddim fel arfer wedi’u gysylltu â’r celfydd.

Gefnogodd gyrff y celfydd a sawl cyfundrefniad arall ei waith, ac mae ganddi radd Arbenigrwydd o Brifysgol Dartington / Falmouth am ei MA Performance Writing. Mae hi wedi lleoli yng Nghaerdydd.


Leona Jones’s experimental practice is based in sound and she uses her own recordings to create abstract soundscapes as site-responsive events / performances / installations which highlight physicality and context. She considers sound in its widest definition (to include language both spoken and written) and its symbiotic relationships with space, movement and time - TIsi{sound}lencestill{move}nessME.

Cross-disciplinary collaboration is central to her practice, and she’s worked with musicians, dancers and visual artists. She makes a concerted effort to reach into an audience’s imagination, encouraging their ability to listen.

Leona’s commitment to inclusivity means, although her work has been presented/performed in galleries, it’s just as likely to respond to places and spaces not usually associated with arts. Her projects have been financially supported by arts bodies and a variety of other organisations, and she was awarded Distinction by Dartington / Falmouth University in her MA Performance Writing. She is based in Cardiff.

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