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Tayla-Leigh Payne

Growth and Honesty

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Growth and Honesty is a creative exploration of both my current and previous practice styles. It is an electronic piece which utilises short sample files performed by the ensemble that were later manipulated and processed to produce both sonic and acoustic extracts. The opening consists of ambient and lyrical gestures which closely relate to previous areas of my practice. This later transitions into an energetic and rhythmic section that became the fundamental exploration of a style which was current for me. Through the assistance of both Lloyd Coleman and the ensemble members Growth and Honesty has allowed me to explore abstract ideas and continue my growth, as a recent graduate. But, ultimately what was most important was simply enjoying the process of making sounds, without feeling the need to establish a concept: growing and developing as a composer.

“Some people above all wish to conform to the rules, I wish only to render what I can hear. There is no theory. You have only to listen. Pleasure is the law.” Claude Debussy

Ymdriniaeth greadigol yw Growth and Honesty o arddulliau fy ngwaith presennol a blaenorol. Darn electronig yw e sy’n defnyddio ffeiliau samplau byrion a berfformwyd gan yr ensemble a’u trin a’u trafod a’u prosesu wedyn i greu darnau sonig ac acwstig. Mae’r agoriad yn cynnwys ystumiau llawn naws a thelynegol sydd â pherthynas agos â rhannau blaenorol o’m gwaith. Yn nes ymlaen mae hyn yn troi’n adran egnïol a rhythmig a ddatblygodd i fod yr ymdriniaeth sylfaenol ag arddull a ddefnyddiwn ar y pryd. Gyda chymorth Lloyd Coleman ac aelodau o’r ensemble, mae Growth and Honesty wedi gadael i mi edrych ar syniadau haniaethol a pharhau fy nhwf fel un sydd wedi graddio’n ddiweddar. Ond y peth pwysicaf yn y pen draw oedd mwynhau’r broses o wneud synau heb deimlo’r angen i greu cysyniad, gan dyfu a datblygu fel cyfansoddwr.

“Mae rhai pobl, yn anad dim, yn dymuno cydymffurfio â’r rheolau. Yr unig beth dw i’n ei ddymuno yw creu’r hyn y galla i ’i glywed. Does dim theori. Does ’mond rhaid i chi wrando. Pleser biau hi.” Claude Debussy

> Tayla-Leigh Payne

> CoDI Lead

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