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Following a call to composers, Tŷ Cerdd appointed David Roche as composer-in-residence with Hijinx’s inclusive community company Odyssey to create a soundtrack for its Christmas musical theatre production 'Hansel, Gedeon and the Grimm's Wood'.  


Working closely with the show’s writer and director and supported by a composer-mentor, David developed a score over the rehearsal period from September to November, attending the theatre production weekends, rehearsals and shows as well as a significant number of the weekly sessions. 


Jon Dafydd Kidd (Director) and Llinos Mai (Writer) met with David during the summer to take him through the devising process with the Odyssey participants during the autumn term. David received mentoring from composer John Hardy as well as studio support, publishing training and career mentoring from Tŷ Cerdd.

Read David Roche's blogs:

Starting out

Basic technical concerns

Basic compositional concerns

Developing the Main Theme

Music for the Musicians of Bremmen

Music for Briar Rose and Cinderella

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