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Shortlisted works from ISCM Welsh Section

for World New Music Days 2023, South Africa

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Nathan James Dearden's i breathe has been selected to represent Wales at this year's World New Music Days as part of the ISCM's festival which takes place in South Africa from 24 November to 3 December 2023. 

i breathe will be performed by Cape Town XVI, conducted by Leon Starker, on 2 December at the Norval Foundation in Cape Town.

i breathe (2021) for SATB choir
isten to i breathe)

Our connection with our environment has never been more important. After such a long period of excessive digital interactivity, I turned my attention to the outdoors, the outdoors of my home country, Wales. Amalgamating haiku written by Welsh poets that express humans’ connectivity (or lack of) with their surrounding landscape, the prose directly influenced the music, and allowed me to breathe, reflect, and think about my own connection with the landscape I find myself in.

Nathan Dearden was one of six composers short-listed by the Welsh panel for consideration by the ISCM. The other composers were:

Nathan James Dearden, Bethan Morgan Williams, Joseph Graydon, Kiko Litang Shao, Richard Barrett, and Richard McReynolds

Bethan Morgan-Williams

Voices Go With You (2021) for alto flute, cello, percussion, piano
A still, serene landscape endures disruption and restlessness. The opposing states must work together to soothe the terror that lies beneath, hidden. How did we get to the auditorium? There is a concert taking place, and there are four musicians on stage. Isn’t it strange how we instantly transport ourselves from inside to out? Whatever today’s inside might be. Now, we must play the role we came to play. We must stay with the time of this clockwork music. The musicians can move, dance even. But the audience sits still. Too still? What a dark and menacing thought – how did we come to question such things?  Listen to Voices Go With You


Joseph Graydon

Ophelia (2022) for violin and piano
Ophelia was composed throughout December 2021 and January 2022. The piece is focused upon the direct relationship between the violin and piano and on the inherent sonorities and lyrical qualities found within the two instruments. Much of the piece aims to capture a sense of musical fragility through re-contextualisation of musical materials that border upon a feeling of familiarity. Listen to Ophelia

Kiko Litang Shao

The leaf says… (2022) for mixed octet (flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, string quartet)

The inspiration for this piece is from the beautiful commentary by a Buddhist monk reflecting on a tree leaf: “I asked the leaf whether it was frightened because it was autumn, and the other leaves were falling. The leaf told me: No. During the whole spring and summer, I was completely alive.”  
This is just an imaginative commentary, but it compels me to realise that there is a time to ‘do’ and there is a time to ‘be’. Life is full of highs and lows, and while we may feel energized and driven during periods of activity, it is important to utilise moments of rest and reflection as opportunities for growth and renewal, much like the process of new leaves growing on a tree.  

Richard Barrett

until you are that ghost (2022) for soprano, flute, clarinet
until you are that ghost was written for the Fonema Consort in 2022 and is based on a text by Simon Howard (1960-2013). The first eight of the 16 components of until you are that ghost are precisely characterised in terms of musical behaviour and texture. From the ninth onwards, elements of the first eight return in different forms and in increasingly mixed combinations, until, in the 15th, almost all of the materials from the first eight are tangled together at double speed. The 16th component then strips these away, leaving a few remaining sounds embedded in silence. 

Richard McReynolds

12.123 (2023) for live electronics
12.01.23 is a semi-improvised piece for light instrument. Nine light-detecting resistors feed data on light levels into Max/MSP to trigger electronic samples. The instrument is performed by shining torches over the grid. Additionally, digital visuals are generated through analysis of the audio. Listen to 12.123

ISCM Welsh Section
ISCM Welsh exists to promote the aims of the ISCM, both within Wales, and in co-operation with the British, Irish, Scottish and other, international Sections. The Society aims to promote contemporary music and raise its public profile, through effective global networking, communication and facilitation of multilateral activities between the members.

Its mission is to:

  • Raise the profile of contemporary music through the collective strength of the Society’s global network and  membership makeup.

  • Pursue exposure, research and performance of contemporary music through initiatives by its membership, as well as collaboration with affiliated bodies.

  • Showcase the diversity of contemporary music worldwide through the World New Music Days Festival.


Gweithiau ar restr fer Adran Gymraeg ISCM
ar gyfer Dyddiau Cerddoriaeth Newydd y Byd,
De Affrica 2023

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Mae i breathe gan Nathan James Dearden wedi cael ei ddewis gan y Gymdeithas Ryngwladol Cerddoriaeth Gyfoes (ISCM) i gynrychioli Cymru yn Niwrnodau Cerddoriaeth Newydd y Byd eleni. Bydd y darn yn cael ei berfformio fel rhan o ŵyl yr ISCM a gynhelir yn Ne Affrica rhwng 24 Tachwedd a 3 Rhagfyr 2023. 

Bydd i breathe yn cael ei berfformio gan Cape Town XVI, dan arweiniad Leon Starker, ar 2 Rhagfyr yn Sefydliad Norval yn Cape Town.

i breathe (2021) ar gyfer côr SATB
Gwrando ar i breathe

Nid yw ein cysylltiad â’n hamgylchedd erioed wedi bod mor bwysig. Ar ôl cyfnod mor hir o fod yn ormod yn y byd digidol, dyma droi fy sylw at yr awyr agored, awyr agored fy mamwlad, Cymru. Gan gyfuno haiku wedi’i ysgrifennu gan feirdd Cymru sy’n mynegi cysylltedd pobl (neu ei ddiffyg) â’r dirwedd o’u cwmpas, dylanwadodd y rhyddiaith yn uniongyrchol ar y gerddoriaeth, a rhoi modd i mi anadlu, myfyrio, a meddwl am fy nghysylltiad fy hun â’r dirwedd yr wyf ynddi.

Roedd Nathan Dearden yn un o chwe chyfansoddwr ar restr fer y panel Cymreig i’w hystyried gan yr ISCM.
Y cyfansoddwyr eraill oedd:

Nathan James Dearden, Bethan Morgan Williams, Joseph Graydon, Kiko Litang Shao, Richard Barrett, a Richard McReynolds

Bethan Morgan-Williams

Voices Go With You (2021) ar gyfer ffliwt alto, soddgrwth, offer taro a’r piano

Mae aflonyddwch a chyffro yn amharu ar dirwedd llonydd, tawel. Rhaid i’r ddau gyflwr gwrthwynebol weithio gyda’i gilydd i leddfu’r braw sy’n gorwedd oddi tano, yn gudd. Sut wnaethon ni gyrraedd yr awditoriwm? Mae cyngerdd yn cael ei gynnal, ac mae pedwar cerddor ar y llwyfan. Onid yw’n rhyfedd sut rydyn ni’n cludo ein hunain yn syth o’r tu mewn i’r tu allan? Beth bynnag fo’r tu mewn heddiw. Nawr, rhaid inni chwarae’r rôl y daethom i’w chwarae. Rhaid inni aros gydag amser y gerddoriaeth clocwaith hon. Gall y cerddorion symud, dawnsio hyd yn oed. Ond mae’r gynulleidfa yn eistedd yn llonydd. Yn rhy llonydd? Am rywbeth tywyll a bygythiol i’w feddwl – sut y daethom i gwestiynu pethau o’r fath?
Gwrando ar Voices Go With You


Joseph Graydon

Ophelia (2022) ar gyfer ffidil a phiano

Cyfansoddwyd Ophelia yn ystod Rhagfyr 2021 ac Ionawr 2022. Mae’r darn yn canolbwyntio ar y berthynas uniongyrchol rhwng y ffidil a’r piano ac ar soniarusrwydd cynhenid a rhinweddau telynegol y ddau offeryn. Mae llawer o’r darn yn anelu at ddal ymdeimlad o freuder cerddorol trwy fynd ati o’r newydd i gyd-destunoli defnyddiau cerddorol sy’n ymylu ar ymdeimlad o gynefindra. 
Gwrando ar Ophelia


Kiko Litang Shao

The leaf says… (2022) ar gyfer wythawd cymysg (ffliwt, obo, clarinet, corn, pedwarawd llinynnol)

Daw’r ysbrydoliaeth ar gyfer y darn hwn o’r sylw hyfryd gan fynach Bwdhaidd wrth iddo fyfyrio ar ddeilen coeden: “Gofynnais i’r ddeilen a oedd hi’n ofnus gan ei bod yn hydref, a’r dail eraill yn cwympo o’i chwmpas. Dyma oedd ateb y ddeilen: Nac ydw, oherwydd drwy’r gwanwyn a’r haf cyfan, roeddwn i’n hollol fyw.”

Sylw bach dychmygol yn unig yw hwn wrth gwrs, ond mae’n gwneud i mi sylweddoli bod yna amser i ‘wneud’ pethau ac mae amser i ‘fod’. Mae bywyd yn llawn uchafbwyntiau ac isafbwyntiau, ac er ein bod yn teimlo’n egniol ac wedi’n hysgogi yn ystod cyfnodau llawn gweithgarwch, mae’n bwysig defnyddio eiliadau o orffwys ac adfyfyrio i fod yn gyfleoedd i dyfu ac adnewyddu, yn debyg iawn i’r broses o ddail newydd yn tyfu ar goeden.

Richard Barrett

until you are that ghost (2022) ar gyfer soprano, ffliwt, clarinèt

Ysgrifennwyd until you are that ghost ar gyfer y Fonema Consort yn 2022 ac mae’n seiliedig ar destun gan Simon Howard (1960-2013). Mae 16 rhan i until you are that ghost ac mae’r wyth rhan gyntaf wedi’u nodweddu ag ymddygiad a gwead cerddorol. O’r nawfed ymlaen, mae elfennau o’r wyth cyntaf yn dychwelyd mewn gwahanol ffurfiau ac mewn cyfuniadau sy’n fwyfwy cymysg, nes, yn y 15fed rhan, mae bron pob un o’r deunyddiau o’r wyth cyntaf wedi’u clymu â’i gilydd ar gyflymder dwbl. Yna mae’r 16eg rhan yn rhwygo’r rhain i ffwrdd, gan adael ychydig o synau ar ôl wedi’u plethu â distawrwydd.

Richard McReynolds

12.123 (2023) ar gyfer cyfansoddwr-berfformiwr gyda electroneg fyw
Mae 12.01.23 yn ddarn lled-fyrfyfyr ar gyfer offeryn goleuni. Mae naw gwrthydd synhwyro golau yn bwydo data ar lefelau’r golau i Max/MSP er mwyn sbarduno samplau electronig. Mae’r offeryn yn cael ei berfformio drwy ddisgleirio fflachlamp dros y grid. Yn ogystal, cynhyrchir delweddau gweledol digidol trwy ddadansoddi’r sain. 
Gwrando ar 12.123


Adran Cymru’r ISCM
Mae ISCM Cymru yn bodoli er mwyn hyrwyddo amcanion yr ISCM, yng Nghymru ac mewn cydweithrediad ag adrannau Prydain, Iwerddon, Yr Alban ac adrannau rhyngwladol eraill. Nod y Gymdeithas yw hyrwyddo cerddoriaeth gyfoes a chodi’i phroffil cyhoeddus drwy rwydweithio effeithiol yn fyd-eang, cyfathrebu a hwyluso gweithgareddau amlochrog rhwng yr aelodau. Ei chenhadaeth yw:

  • Codi proffil cerddoriaeth gyfoes drwy nerth torfol rhwydwaith byd-eang y Gymdeithas a chyfansoddiad ei haelodaeth.

  • Hyrwyddo amlygu, perfformio ac ymchwilio i gerddoriaeth gyfoes drwy fentrau gan ei haelodaeth, yn ogystal â chydweithredu â chyrff cysylltiedig.

  • Arddangos amrywiaeth cerddoriaeth gyfoes yn fyd-eang drwy Ŵyl Diwrnodau Cerddoriaeth Newydd y Byd

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