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Paul Corfield Godfrey 1950 

Astudiodd Paul Godfrey gyfansoddi ac arwain gydag Alan Bush a David Wynne. Mae ei gyfansoddiadau’n cynnwys pedair symffoni, amryw o weithiau cerddorfaol, siambr ac offerynnol, caneuon a gweithiau corawl, operâu, gan gynnwys The Dialogues of Óisin and Saint Patrick ac Arcturus – y ddau wedi’u perfformio yng Nghaerdydd a mannau eraill – a chylch o olygfeydd epig yn seiliedig ar nofel Tolkien ar ôl ei farw, The Silmarillion – y gwaith mwyaf a gyfansoddwyd yng Nghymru yn yr ugeinfed ganrif y mae darnau ohono wedi’u perfformio yn Rhydychen. Mae gweithiau eraill wedi’u perfformio yn Llundain a mannau eraill ledled y DU, Hwngari, America, Awstralia a Seland Newydd. Mae Paul wedi ymddangos fel perfformiwr ar y radio a’r teledu a hefyd yn adolygu recordiadau a pherfformiadau byw i MusicWeb International. 

Paul Godfrey studied composition and conducting with Alan Bush and David Wynne. His compositions include four symphonies, various orchestral, chamber and instrumental works, songs and choral works, operas, including The Dialogues of Óisin and Saint Patric and Arcturus - both performed in Cardiff and elsewhere - and a cycle of epic scenes based on Tolkien’s posthumous novel The Silmarillion - the largest work written in Wales in the twentieth century, excerpts from which have been performed in Oxford. Other works have been performed in London and elsewhere throughout the UK, Hungary, America, Australia and New Zealand. Paul has appeared as a performer both on radio and television, and also reviews live performances and recordings for MusicWeb International.

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