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Christopher Weeks 1948

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Ganed Christopher Weeks ym Mhenlle’r-gaer ger Abertawe a’i addysgu yn Nhre-gŵyr. Fel dyn ifanc bu’n astudio cyfansoddi gyda Mervyn Burtch. 


Ymhlith ei weithiau offerynnol ceir tri phedwarawd llinynnol; Funeral Dances i wythawd chwyth; Passacaglia i bumawd pres; Dual i feiolín a phiano (wedi’u comisiynu gan Ŵyl Machen Isaf); a sonatâu i’r basŵn a’r clarinét (wedi’u perfformio gan aelodau o Ensemble Cerdd PM). 


Mae cerddoriaeth leisiol yn cynnwys A Divine Image, gosodiadau o William Blake i denor a phiano a gomisiynwyd gan York Late Music Festival; i soprano ac ensemble siambr, y Morgensternlieder, sy’n gosod pum cerdd gan Christian Morgenstern, ac Il gran rifiuto, gosodiadau o gerddi Constantine Cavafy – y ddau wedi’u perfformio am y tro cyntaf gan Sally Johnson ac Ensemble Eos Cymru; ac Autumn, a berfformiwyd am y tro cyntaf gan Jeremy Huw Williams a Michael Pollock. 

Christopher Weeks was born in Penllergaer, near Swansea, and educated in Gowerton. As a young man he studied composition with Mervyn Burtch. 


Among his instrumental works are: three string quartets; Funeral Dances for wind octet; Passacaglia for brass quintet; Dual for violin and piano (commissioned by the Lower Machen Festival); and sonatas for bassoon and clarinet (performed by members of the PM Music Ensemble). 


Vocal music includes A Divine Image, settings of William Blake for tenor and piano, commissioned by the York Late Music Festival. For soprano and chamber ensemble: the Morgensternlieder, setting five poems of Christian Morgenstern, and Il gran rifiuto, settings of Constantine Cavafy’s poems – both premiered by Sally Johnson and Eos Ensemble Cymru; and Autumn, premiered by Jeremy Huw Williams and Michael Pollock.

Christopher Weeks (photo © Matthew Thistlewood)
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