Ar hyn of bryd mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Ar hyn of bryd mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Ar hyn of bryd mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
hyrwyddo a dathlu cerddoriaeth Cymru
promoting and celebrating the music of Wales
+44 (0)29 2063 5640
Tŷ Cerdd is delighted to announce a new season of CoDI, our multi-faceted
development programme for Welsh and Wales-based music-creators.
The 23/24 programme is made possible through generous financial support from
Arts Council of Wales, PRS Foundation (Talent Development Programme) and, for
the first time, Jerwood Arts, through the Jerwood Developing Artists Fund.
Lilli Geissendorfer, Director, Jerwood Arts, said: "What Tŷ Cerdd have been doing
through CoDI has transformed opportunities for early-career music-creators in Wales over recent years, and we are thrilled to be contributing to the next
season. The pathways we are supporting speak to both the ambitions of
composers at a pivotal moment in developing their practice, and some of the
pressing issues facing the sector, whether that’s empowering learning-disabled
music creators or responding to the climate crisis. We are excited to see the
pathways the selected artists take."
CoDI 23/24 features paid, artist-led pathways, alongside INTERACT, a suite of
workshops and training.
COMPOSERS’ STUDIO mentoring and support in writing for 12-piece conducted ensemble, in collaboration with UPROAR, and lead composers Lynne Plowman
and Richard Baker.
Supported by Jerwood Arts, Arts Council of Wales & PRS Foundation.
BŴM! supporting four artists/groups to develop skills in making outdoor music
and sound, with a focus on Climate Justice – in partnership with Oxford
Contemporary Music & Articulture.
Supported by Jerwood Arts, Arts Council of Wales & PRS Foundation.
PENGUIN PEBBLING pathway for six neuro-divergent artists, in collaboration
with Aubergine Café & duo Ardal Bicnic.
Supported by Arts Council of Wales & PRS Foundation

BWTHYN SONIG enabling learning-disabled artists to express original music; partnership with Canolfan Gerdd William Mathias, Touch Trust, Disability Arts Cymru, and Sonic Bothy.
Supported by Jerwood Arts, Arts Council of Wales & PRS Foundation.

INTERACT: to include
OFF-GRID: extending and developing this nationwide network of sound-artists and music-creators working in unconventional music-practice
Orchestration skills: in association with BBC NOW
Workshops & networking
Tŷ Cerdd is a PRS Foundation Talent Development Partner