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Jordan Hirst 1993

Yn wreiddiol o Gernyw, graddiodd Jordan Hirst o Brifysgol Caerdydd ar ôl derbyn ysgoloriaethau gan Brifysgol Caerdydd ac Ymddiriedolaeth Ralph Vaughan Williams. Mae wedi gweithio gydag ensembles proffesiynol megis Psappha, Cerddorfa Genedlaethol Gymreig y BBC, a Royal Northern Sinfonia, ac mae ei waith wedi cael ei chwarae yn Neuadd Hoddinott, Amgueddfa Genedlaethol Cymru, Coleg y Brenin Llundain, a Sage Gateshead. Mae Jordan wedi derbyn comisiynau gan Ŵyl Cerddoriaeth Newydd Bryste, Tŷ Cerdd, a Chymdeithas Cerddoriaeth Cymru.


Yn 2017, dechreuodd astudio ar gyfer ei PhD mewn cyfansoddi ym Mhrifysgol Bryste yn sgil cael cynnig ysgoloriaeth lawn gan y Brifysgol i ganolbwyntio ar ymgorffori llên gwerin o Ganada a Chernyw. Jordan oedd enillydd Gwobr Paul Mealor i Gyfansoddwyr Ifanc eleni.

Originally from Cornwall, Jordan Hirst graduated from Cardiff University after receiving scholarships from both Cardiff University and the Ralph Vaughan Williams trust. He has worked with professional ensembles such as Psappha, The BBC National Orchestra of Wales, and the Royal Northern Sinfonia, and has had works played in Hoddinott Hall, the National Museum of Wales, Kings college London, and Sage Gateshead. Jordan has received commissions from the Bristol New Music Festival, Ty Cerdd, and the Welsh Music Guild.


In 2017, he began studying for his PhD in composition at Bristol University as a result of being offered a full scholarship by the university focusing on the incorporation of folklore from Canada and Cornwall. Jordan is this year’s recipient of the Paul Mealor Award for Young Composers.

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