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CoDI Sound


Ashley John Long

Rwyf wastad wedi bod â lle tyner yn fy nghalon i waith Gweithdy Radioffonig y BBC, yn enwedig cerddoriaeth Delia Derbyshire. Gan mai hen lamplen oedd ei hoff ffynhonnell sain, a bod y lamplen sydd yn fy nghyntedd o fath tebyg, penderfynais y byddwn yn defnyddio hon fel un o brif elfennau fy neunydd electronig. Cyn hyn, roeddwn eisoes wedi braslunio sail y deunydd harmonig yr oeddwn am ei ddefnyddio ar gyfer yr ensemble acwstig. Wrth gynnal dadansoddiad sbectrol o’r lamplen gwelais fod perthynas serendipaidd agos rhwng y deunydd hwn a nodweddion sonig amlycaf y lamplen ei hun. Mae’r electroneg yn codi’r ffynhonnell sain hon, yn ogystal ag atseiniau tri phiano (pob un â’i batrymau uwchsain nodedig ei hun) ac yn eu trawsnewid yn raddol trwy gydol y gwaith, gan adlewyrchu ac yn aml yn achub y blaen ar ddatblygiad y deunydd gan yr ensemble acwstig. Man cychwyn y ffordd y caiff y deunydd cerddorol ei ddatblygu yw’r cysyniad Etiäinen o’r Ffindir (sef rhagargoelion sydd weithiau yn cael eu clywed). Cyfeirir yn gynnil at ddigwyddiadau cerddorol ar bwynt llawer cynharach yn y gwaith (yn ogystal â mannau â gwead neu soniaredd penodol) ac fe’u trawsnewidir yn raddol nes iddynt gyrraedd eu fersiwn derfynol.

I have always had a soft spot for the work of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, particularly the music of Delia Derbyshire. As her favourite sound-source was an old lampshade, and the lampshade in my hallway is of a similar type, I decided that I would use this as a major component of my electronic material. Prior to this, I had already sketched out the basis of the harmonic material I wished to use for the acoustic ensemble. Spectral analysis of the lampshade revealed a serendipitously close relationship between this material and the dominant sonic characteristics of the lampshade itself. The electronics take this sound source, in addition to the resonances of three pianos (each possessing distinctive overtone patterns) and gradually transform them throughout the work, mirroring, and often preempting, the development of material by the acoustic ensemble. The work takes Finnish concept of Etiäinen (essentially premonitions which can sometimes manifest aurally) as a
starting point for the manner in which musical material is developed. Musical events are often subtly alluded to at a much earlier point in the work (as well as specific textural or timbral areas) and subsequently gradually transformed until they reach their final version.

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