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CoDI INTERACT 3 - What goes into making

What makes a successful composer?


Dydd Gwener 9 Chwefror 2019

11:00 - 12:30

Pontio, Bangor


Seminar d a gyflwynwyd gan Naomi Belshaw, cysylltiadau cyfansoddwr a swyddog gweithredol cysylltiadau cyhoeddus yn WildKat PR.

Beth sy'n gwneud cyfansoddwr llwyddiannus? Sut ydych chi'n mesur eich llwyddiant? O'r hawlfraint, i godi arian, i PR, marchnata a brandio, i'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol, i rwydweithio .... Pa bethau ddylech i chi eu hystyried y tu hwnt i'r ysgrifeniad i fod yn gyfansoddwr modern?

Mynediad am ddim. Archebwch eich lle oddi wrth eventbrite 

What makes a successful composer?


Friday 9 February 2019

11:00 - 12:30

Pontio, Bangor


A career development seminar presented by Naomi Belshaw, Composer Relations and PR Executive at WildKat PR

What different ingredients make a successful composer? What is your measure of your success? From copyright, to fundraising, to PR, Marketing and Branding, to Social Media, to networking.... what things do you need to consider beyond the writing to be a modern composer?

Admission is free of charge but you are asked to book your place via eventbrite 

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