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Daniel-Wyn Jones

Mae’r gwaith yn ymwneud â datblygiad bywyd emosiynol mewnol ac allanol unigolyn ar yr un pryd a’r canlyniadau a all ddigwydd os bydd y gwahaniaethau rhyngddynt yn eithafol.

Er mwyn adlewyrchu’r ddeuoliaeth a methiant a geir yn y cysyniad cyntaf, mae’r cyfansoddwr wedi rhoi cynnig ar rywbeth na allith ei wneud, sef cyfansoddi darn sy’n portreadu hanes a datblygiad cerddoriaeth glasurol y gorllewin.

The work concerns the simultaneous development of an individual’s inner and outer emotional life and the consequences that may occur if the differences between them are extreme.

To reflect the dichotomy and failure found in the initial concept the composer has attempted something he can’t do: write a piece that portrays the history and development of western classical music.

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