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CoDI Sound



Joss Smith

Yn ystod y cyfnod Baróc, roedd hi’n arfer safonol mewn perfformiad i arwain drwy ddefnyddio ffon bren mewn rhai amgylchiadau. Yn ystod perfformiad o Te Deum Jean-Baptiste Lully yn Église des Pères Feuillants yn 1687, anafodd Lully ei hun ar ddamwain gyda’r ffon, gan arwain at ei farwolaeth. Yn y darn hwn, mae pob trawiad o’r ffon yn ennyn ffrwydradau ergydiol, llawn obsesiwn o’r ensemble.

During the Baroque period, it was standard performance practice to conduct using a wooden staff during certain situations. During a performance of Jean-Baptiste Lully’s Te Deum at Église des Pères Feuillants in 1687, Lully accidentally injured himself with the staff, leading to his death. In this piece, each strike of the staff is punctuated with percussive outbursts from the ensemble with a great degree of obsession.

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