Ar hyn of bryd mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Ar hyn of bryd mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
Ar hyn of bryd mae'r cynnwys hwn ar gael yn Saesneg yn unig.
hyrwyddo a dathlu cerddoriaeth Cymru
promoting and celebrating the music of Wales
+44 (0)29 2063 5640
CoDI Off-Grid sgwrs #2 – Kathy Hinde
4pm Wednesday 20 January 2021
Audio-visual artist Kathy Hinde shares some of her recent work, elaborating on some of her motivations, methods and intentions. Her audio-visual creations echo phenomena found in the natural world to explore the relationship between people, other species, and the earth’s systems. Her work often sits somewhere between kinetic sound sculptures and newly invented musical instruments that can be played live in countless ways. She draws on systems, models, and data from animal behaviours, biodiversity and dynamic ecosystems, and often employs open scores and chance procedures. The animal and the elemental have all figured into a practice of installation, performance and participatory works. Birds, water, bogs and ecosystems take different forms through bespoke software, objects and inquisitive forms of media.
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photo: Murdo Macleod
CoDI Dan Ddaear sgwrs #2
Kathy Hinde
4yp Dydd Mercher 20 Ionawr 2021
Mae’r artist clyweledol Kathy Hinde yn rhannu peth o’i gwaith diweddar, gan ymhelaethu ynghylch rhai o’i chymhellion, dulliau a bwriadau. Mae ei chreadigaethau clyweledol yn adleisio ffenomenau a geir ym myd natur er mwyn ystyried y berthynas rhwng pobl, rhywogaethau eraill a systemau’r ddaear. Yn aml bydd ei gwaith yn gorwedd rywle rhwng cerfluniau sain cinetig ac offerynnau cerddorol newydd eu dyfeisio y gellir eu chwarae’n fyw mewn ffyrdd di-ben-draw. Mae’n tynnu ar systemau, modelau a data ymddygiadau anifeiliaid, bioamrywiaeth ac ecosystemau deinamig ac yn aml bydd yn defnyddio sgorau agored a gweithdrefnau hap. Mae’r anifeilaidd a’r elfennol i gyd wedi ymddangos yn ei gosodweithiau, perfformio a’i gweithiau cyfranogol. Mae adar, dŵr, corsydd ac ecosystemau’n ymgymryd â gwahanol ffurfiau drwy feddalwedd bwrpasol, gwrthrychau a ffurfiau holgar ar gyfryngau.
Mae mynediad i'r digwyddiad hwn yn rhad ac am ddim COFRESTRWCH YMA
Ymunwch CoDI Dan-ddaear YMA
Kathy Hinde
audio-visual artist — inspired by behaviours and phenomena found in nature and the everyday — working with sound, light, image, sculpture, location
photo: Ashutosh Gupta
Kathy Hinde’s work grows from a partnership between nature and technology expressed through audio-visual installations and performances that combine sound, sculpture, image and light. Drawing on inspiration from behaviours and phenomena found in the natural world, she creates work that is generative; that evolves; that can be different each time it is experienced. Kathy aims to create work that gives rise to a poetic and reflective experience that enriches an appreciation of the everyday, inviting a heightened awareness of the world around us.
Kathy frequently works in collaboration with other practitioners and scientists and often actively involves the audience in the creative process. She has created light and sound installations in public spaces, including urban streets, woodlands and forests.
She has shown work extensively across Europe, Russia, China, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, USA, Canada, Colombia, Mexico, Brazil, Australia and New Zealand. Awards include an Ivor Novello Award for Sound Art in 2020; an Honorary Mention at Prix Ars Electronica in 2015; a British Composer Award in Sonic Art in 2017; an ORAM award in 2017 and a Scottish Award for New Music in 2018. She joined the Cryptic Artist programme in 2015, was a selected artist for European SHAPE Platform for innovative music and audiovisual art in 2018, and is a member of Bristol Experimental Expanded Film collective.

Tŷ Cerdd is a PRS Foundation Talent Development Partner in association with Youth Music