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Grantiau Loteri

TÅ· Cerdd

Cronfa Frys

TÅ· Cerdd

Lottery Grants

Emergency Funding

Rescue (red).png


Resource (red).png
Restart (red).png


Rydym yn gweithio gyda Chyngor Celfyddydau Cymru i gael cyllid i grwpiau perfformio cymunedol ac amser hamdden yng ngoleuni pandemig COVID-19: i ddarparu cymorth brys lle bo angen ac ariannu adnoddau i ailddechrau cerddoriaeth gymunedol pan ddaw hynny’n bosibl i’ch grŵp. Yn wahanol i’n helfennau Loteri eraill, mae’r gronfa argyfwng yma yn digwydd unwaith yn unig ac na fydd ailadroddiad ar ôl y dyddiad cau, 29 Ionawr.


Ceir tair elfen - caiff eich grŵp wneud cais am un, dwy neu’r tair i gyd os bydd eich angen a’ch gweithgarwch yn gweddu i’r blaenoriaethau.



Ar gyfer grwpiau sydd mewn gwir angen ariannol ac mewn perygl o fynd yn ansolfent – e.e. y rheini â’u hadeilad eu hunain, neu sydd â chostau sefydlog parhaus na allant eu talu. Cyllid o £250 hyd at £5,000



Yn helpu i dalu’r bil am gostau ychwanegol a all fod gan grwpiau sy’n ailddechrau gweithgarwch – fel ffioedd llogi am ofodau ymarfer mwy o faint, sgriniau, costau ymgynghori ac yn y blaen. Cyllid o £50 hyd at £1,000



Yn cefnogi cymunedau yng Nghymru i ailddechrau cerddora – cyllid i gefnogi gweithgarwch artistig, e.e. creu cerddoriaeth, perfformio, cydweithredu. Cyllid o £500 hyd at £2,000

We’re working with Arts Council of Wales and Welsh Government to get funds to community and leisure-time performing groups in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic: to provide emergency support where it’s needed, and to resource a restart for community music, when that becomes possible for your group. Unlike our other Lottery strands, this is a once only emergency fund which will not be repeated after the deadline of 29 January.


There are three strands – your group can apply for one, two, or all three if your need and activity fits the priorities.



For groups in real financial need and in danger of becoming insolvent – eg for those with their own premises, or with ongoing fixed costs they can’t cover. Funds from £250 to £5,000



Helping to fit the bill for additional costs that may be incurred by groups restarting activity – such as hire fees for larger rehearsal spaces, screens, consultancy costs, etc. Funds from £50 to £1,000



Supporting communities in Wales to restart music making – a fund to support artistic activity, eg music-creation, performance, collaboration. Funds from £500 to £2,000


Dyddiad cau: 5yp 29 Ionawr 2021


Canllawiau Cronfa Frys


Cronfa Loteri


Deadline: 5pm 29 January 2021


Emergency Funding Guidelines


Lottery Funding


WG lottery & ACW logos.png
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