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Mark McNamee (1993- ) 

Mark McNamee studied composition under Paul Mealor at the University of Aberdeen where he graduated with an honors degree. He later received his masters degree from the Royal Welsh College of Music where he studied with Mark D. Boden, Ceri Tippetts and Lynne Plowman.

Highlights of his career so far include being the first recipient of the Leverhulme scholarship which offered him the opportunity to compose an opera produced by Scottish opera. Recent performances include that  of his biggest work to date ‘In Presence’ at the RWCMD's Atmosphere’s festival. 


Mark's music largely falls in the realm of contemporary classical. His music brings fragmented elements of music together to create expansive, tapestry-like textures that tries to reflect the way he looks at the world.

Astudiodd Mark McNamee gyfansoddi o dan Paul Mealor ym Mhrifysgol Aberdeen, lle y graddiodd gyda gradd anrhydedd. Yn nes ymlaen derbyniodd ei radd feistr o Goleg Brenhinol Cerdd a Drama Cymru lle bu’n astudio gyda Mark D Boden, Ceri Tippetts a Lynne Plowman. Mae uchafbwyntiau ei yrfa hyd yma’n cynnwys bod yr unigolyn cyntaf i dderbyn ysgoloriaeth Leverhulme, a gynigiodd iddo’r cyfle i gyfansoddi gwaith a gynhyrchwyd gan Scottish Opera. Ymhlith ei berfformiadau diweddar mae ei waith mwyaf hyd yn hyn, In Presence, yng ngŵyl Awyrgylch CBCDC. 

Gan mwyaf mae cerddoriaeth Mark yn syrthio i faes y clasurol cyfoes. Mae ei gerddoriaeth yn dod ag elfennau tameidiog o gerddoriaeth ynghyd i greu gweadau helaeth fel tapestri sy’n ceisio adlewyrchu’r ffordd y mae’n edrych ar y byd.

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